More About Us

At we are passionate about helping individuals embrace a healthier lifestyle by incorporating yoga into their daily routines. Our mission this year is to gather 10,000 pledges from individuals committed to practicing yoga every week for 30 minutes. Through this initiative, we aim to create a positive impact on physical and mental well-being while fostering a vibrant and supportive community, we are here to support you every step of the way on your journey to a healthier you.

Join Thousands of Health Enthusiasts:

Join other health enthusiasts who have already taken the pledge to prioritize their well-being through yoga. By taking your pledge today, you become part of people who are passionate about living a healthy and balanced life.

Transformational Impact of a Pledge:

By taking a pledge, you are making a powerful commitment to prioritize your well-being and embrace positive change. A pledge serves as a catalyst for transformation, enabling you to establish a regular yoga practice, maintain motivation, and hold yourself accountable to your health goals. Embrace the opportunity to embark on a journey that will elevate your physical and mental well-being, empowering you to lead a more fulfilling life.

How to join the pledge:

  1. Fill out the form: Provide your name, email address, and location in the form provided. This information will allow us to stay connected.
  2. Click on “Yes, I take the pledge”: By clicking on this button, you officially commit to practicing yoga regularly.
  3. Once you have taken the pledge, you will be redirected to a page where you can explore and choose from three distinct yoga plans: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. These plans are designed to cater to individuals with varying levels of experience and cater to different fitness goals.

Seal Your Commitment with a Link or QR Code:

Ready to seal your commitment?
Once you choose from three distinct yoga plans: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced
Simply click on the provided link or scan the QR code below the particular yoga plan to be redirected directly to O’Coach app.

Embark on a Personalized Yoga Path with O’Coach App:

O’Coach custom workout timer app is designed exclusively for yoga enthusiasts like you, offering a seamless and customized experience that maximizes the efficiency of your workout sessions. No more distractions or the need to constantly check the clock. The O’Coach app ensures that you stay focused and fully immersed in your yoga routine.

With the O’Coach app, you have full control over your yoga practice. Simply input your desired exercise and rest times, and let our unique Text to Speech timer engine works like your personal trainer, keeping track of time.

To get started:

  • Scan the code or click the link under any yoga plan:- Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.
  • When you scan the code or click the link provided, it will instantly redirect you to a ready-made beginner’s, intermediate, and advanced yoga plan within the O’Coach app, perfectly tailored to your specific fitness level. Whether you are a beginner taking your first steps into yoga or an experienced practitioner looking to deepen your practice, our app has a plan that suits your needs.

By utilizing the O’Coach app, you can create your custom yoga workout as your needs and preferences also access to explore workout library of yoga plans that have been expertly crafted to enhance your physical strength, flexibility, and mental clarity. Each plan offers a variety of sequences, postures, and breathing exercises, ensuring a well-rounded and fulfilling yoga experience.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier lifestyle? By taking our pledge to prioritize your well-being, you’ll unlock the incredible benefits of yoga and discover a path to physical fitness, mental clarity, and overall happiness.